Concept Discovery Assessment  

Test your concept's potential

Want to receive qualitative consumer insights into your new concept? Are you looking to improve your innovation process? With a Concept Discovery Assessment, you can discover at an early stage what the potential is of your new concept.

How does it work?

Want to receive qualitative consumer insights into your new concept? Are you looking to improve your innovation process? With a Concept Discovery Assessment, you can make early discoveries about the potential of your new concept.

Questions in a concept test

A concept test answers questions such as:

  • Is my concept distinctive enough?
  • Does my positioning come across well to the shopper during the purchase moment?
  • I'm unsure about a number of concept directions. What is the best choice?

Research in different EU-countries simultaneously also possible

Bamboo Brands has its own European logistics (ambient/chilled/frozen)

Research carried out by experienced market researchers

Combine this research with: 

Design Validation Assessment

A Design Validation Assessment: test the effect of a new design

Concept Validation Assessment

A Concept Validation Assessment: test your concept on its shelf worthiness


unilever testimonial

Tamara Vieveen

Unilever | The Netherlands

"The goal of the research was to get a clear picture of consumer response to the concept, and that succeeded! Moreover, the results are practically applicable. We have already taken internal steps to further optimize the concept based on these insights."


Anna Larsson

Tetra Pak | Norway

"In-store research is a complex domain, and there aren't many research agencies offering this service. What appeals to me about Bamboo Brands' method is that they can provide insights into both the supermarket orientation phase (first moment of truth) and home use (second moment of truth) in a single study."


Thari Hesselink

Bar-le-Duc | The Netherlands
"I knew that you conducted research in a different way than usual. That's also one of the reasons I started a conversation with you. In the beginning, I had doubts about whether enough qualitative insights were collected during the fieldwork, but fortunately, you managed to dispel these doubts and ultimately provided me with sufficient qualitative insights."

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