Case: discovering the potential for Tetra Pak’s new package innovation

Case: discovering the potential for Tetra Pak’s new package innovation

Tetra Pak asked us to conduct an in-store assessment to explore the potential of a new package innovation and concept within the preserved food shelf. Tetra Pak’s Marketing Manager Yicheng Li shares her experience.

Methodology & main questions

Together with Tetra Pak and the new concept’s manufacturer, we set up an in-store qualitative research in the form of a Design Discovery Assessment. These were the key questions:

  • What are the triggers and barriers of consumers toward this new packaging concept?
  • To what extent do triggers & barriers differ among various retail formulas?
  • Does the new concept resonate with consumers within the preserved food shelf?
  • To what extent does the packaging design meet consumer needs?

Extensive retail knowledge

Yicheng Li is positive about Bamboo Brands’ approach. “The Bamboo Brands team is very knowledgeable about the retail landscape and therefore knows how to ask the right questions. This is really an advantage over other research agencies. Also, this research design allows us to test at the earliest stage possible, in terms of the product, category and the package.”

Involved from A to Z

For this qualitative research Bamboo Brands has interviewed consumers on the shop floor in several supermarkets. We selected the consumers based on their shopping behaviour in the preserved food aisle.

During the interviews, our market researchers used packaging prototypes to support the conversations. A total of 480 interviews were conducted over 4 days in 6 supermarkets, which has resulted in valuable insights for Tetra Pak & the concept’s manufacturer.

Yicheng Li shares her experience: “First of all, a big compliment to the research team in the stores! They acted professionally and were able to go in depth and respond to interactions. What I also appreciate is that Bamboo Brands kept us involved during the research phase. We received a brief update with the indicative results after each interview day. This provided room for feedback and gave the flexibility to optimize the setup. In this way, we have obtained the most in-depth insights possible.”

Surprising results

The Design Discovery Assessment has offered sufficient depth with surprising insights as a result. Yicheng Li explains: “This research has provided us with insights into the buying intentions of consumers in terms of the package innovation in particular and the product concept in general. We also discovered that the results per retailer varied, which was surprising to us. These insights have helped us to strengthen our business case toward customers.”

More information

The results of this Design Discovery Assessment belong to our client. Read more about this type of research or discover more testimonials. Want to know how we can help you to innovate better, faster and more sustainable? Contact our Client Development Consultant Chantal Risseeuw-Boer at

About the author
Founder & Managing Director Bamboo Brands B.V.